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Dianthus barbatus 'Electron Mix'

An exceptional Sweet William which behaves like a perennial here, now flowering for it’s third year with excellent tall, straight stems.
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Free delivery when you spend over £100
Curated by Sarah to work brilliantly in your garden
Super productive variety 
Easy to grow

An exceptional Sweet William which behaves like a perennial at Perch Hill, now flowering for it’s third year with excellent tall, straight stems

On occasion we may need to send you an alternative variety to the one shown, which will be selected by our growing team to ensure its suitability. It will be of equal or greater value to the original. Please contact our customer service team if there are any problems.

Product details

Biennial or Short-lived Perennial
Cutting Garden
Neutral - Alkaline
May - July
60cm (24in)
Common name
Sweet William
Full Sun
30cm (12in)
Sow May-July for flowers the following year. Sow in seed trays, modules or pots and place in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. Plant into final positions in early autumn or the following spring. Can also be sown direct into well-prepared soil.

Care Tips

Water once a week and mulch once established to keep the soil moist. A balanced liquid feed every couple of months will encourage more blooms. Cut flowers for the vase or deadhead regularly.

Flowering Time

May - July

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