Niwaki Tools Protection Kit
High-quality garden tools deserve the best care and protection
- Set of 3
- Crean Mate H.6.6cm, W.1.9cm, D.1.9cm
- Camellia Oil 100ml
- Sharpening Stone #1000 L.13.1cm, W.2cm, D.2.3cm
Soak stones in water for a few minutes before use, and keep wet during use. Use the concave edge of the stone, moving form the pivot towards the tip of the blade, following the curve as you go For straight blades use the flat side of the stone Use as much as the stone as possible, not just the top inch Next, turn the secateurs over, and use the flat side of the stone to smooth the burr off the inside of the blade, going slightly over, creating a very fine bevel This is a gentle action - don't use too much pressure Clean and dry the secateurs, and wipe with Camellia Oil.