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Slug-repelling Wool Pellets

A natural and harmless barrier to slugs and snails, it irritates the slugs foot as well as drawing moisture out of it, so they will stay away.
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Large Hardware. Please note orders of 2+ bags of this item will incur additional charges and are exempt from any Free P&P promotions.

A natural and harmless barrier to slugs and snails.

Lay plenty of wool pellets around the base of the plant and water in. You need to be generous with the pellets so be brave

As the wool swells, it forms a protective 'mat' around the stems which contain minute abrasive fibres that slugs don't like - it irritates the slugs foot as well as drawing moisture out of it, so they will stay away.

Added benefits to the soil include improved moisture retention, weed suppression and the slow release of naturally beneficial nutrients into the soil.

  • 1 litre bag (coverage: approximately 2-3 plants in a border or 25cm pots)
  • 3.5 litre bag (coverage: approximately 6-7 plants in a border or 25cm pots)
  • 10 litre bag (coverage: approximately 20 plants in a border or 25cm pots)
  • Suitable for organic gardening, Soil Association Approved
Please note that orders containing 2 or more bags/items will incur additional delivery charges. Click here for more information.

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