
citrus fruit salad

Citrus fruit salad

Ideally, make this with super-nutritious blood oranges, but if they're not available, use the best standard oranges, such as Navels. It's healthy and delicious.

serves 4

  • 4 blood oranges
  • 2 pink grapefruits
  • Small bunch of mint leaves, plus extra for garnish
  • 2 tbsp pistachios
  • 2 tbsp flaked almonds
  • 2 passion fruits, halved

First prepare the oranges and grapefruits. Slice off both ends then, with a small serrated knife, make short sawing movements going round and round the fruit until it is completely skinned and all pith removed. Do this over a small bowl to collect and retain the juice. Then follow each layer of skin down to the heart to cut the fruit into skinless segments. Place in a bowl.

Now make the mint syrup. Gently heat the orange and grapefruit juice you have collected by peeling and slicing. Add the mint when the liquid is bubbling. Set aside to cool.

Meanwhile, toast the pistachios and almond flakes in a dry frying pan on a gentle heat, until they begin to colour. Take care not to burn them

Once cooled to room temperature, pour the mint syrup over the citrus fruit. Top with the nuts and a few small leaves of mint.

Divide the salad between individual plates and place a half passion fruit in the centre of each one. Serve with a fork and teaspoon.

This recipe originally appeared in Good Good Food.

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