samphire with fresh peas and young broad beans recipe

Marsh samphire (its proper name is glasswort – Salicornia europaea), is also at its absolute best right in July, so if you live near mud flats or salt marshes, rather than cliffs, around the British coast, go in search of this too. Or try your local fishmonger.

This makes an excellent first course. Rinse samphire thoroughly as it can be very muddy.

For 8-10 as a starter

  • 80g unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon caster sugar
  • 1kg samphire
  • 400g fresh peas, shelled weight 400g
  • Small broad beans
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 6 thin slices of pancetta or prosciutto, cut into strips
  • Black pepper

Rinse the samphire thoroughly in a colander under cold running water.

Heat 500ml water with 20g of butter and the sugar. Bring to the boil, plunge in the samphire and cook for 10 minutes.

Add the peas and broad beans, and cook for another

3-5 minutes, depending on size. Drain and refresh under cold running water.

Melt all but a knob of the remaining butter in a frying pan and gently fry the garlic without allowing it to brown.

Add the pancetta or prosciutto, samphire, peas and broad beans, and cook together for just 2 minutes.

Season with black pepper and serve with the reserved knob of butter. You don’t need salt as samphire is so naturally salty.

This recipe is featured on p141 in Sarah Raven's Garden Cookbook

samphire with fresh peas and young broad beans

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