
Attracting Wildlife

There are many ways to encourage good wildlife into your garden - feeding the birds and bees by planting pollinator-friendly seeds, as well as hanging a pretty bird feeder on your patch.


Our range of Wildflower and Meadow mixes are wonderful, natural ways to bring birds and wildlife into the garden. The results can turn a previously unused, or patchy garden space into a really pretty meadow, without much maintenance. 


Also in our Seeds range and great for ornamental bird food from June to October (depending when sown), we have The Amaranthus Collection, containing Amaranthus ‘Coral Fountain’ , Amaranthus ‘Hot Biscuits’, Amaranthus ‘Green Giant’ and Amaranthus ‘Red Army’. We also sell Amaranth varieties individually. 

Sarah says, “We grow more and more Amaranthus. They make superb, unique cut flowers and are some of the best plants to lure birds into the garden. All the finches in particular love the seed.”

Sunflowers (helianthus) are also great for the birds and the bees - like natural (vertical) bird food tables, as well as adding scale and drama to any garden. 

In terms of less seasonal bird-feeders, we have the wooden nesting boxes and our Dovecote nesting box, as well as our hanging seed feeders. The bees are not forgotten with our Solitary Beehive. 


There are many ways to encourage good wildlife into your garden - feeding the birds and bees by planting pollinator-friendly seeds, as well as hanging a pretty bird feeder on your patch.


Our range of Wildflower and Meadow mixes are wonderful, natural ways to bring birds and wildlife into the garden. The results can turn a previously unused, or patchy garden space into a really pretty meadow, without much maintenance. 


Also in our Seeds range and great for ornamental bird food from June to October (depending when sown), we have The Amaranthus Collection, containing Amaranthus ‘Coral Fountain’ , Amaranthus ‘Hot Biscuits’, Amaranthus ‘Green Giant’ and Amaranthus ‘Red Army’. We also sell Amaranth varieties individually. 

Sarah says, “We grow more and more Amaranthus. They make superb, unique cut flowers and are some of the best plants to lure birds into the garden. All the finches in particular love the seed.”

Sunflowers (helianthus) are also great for the birds and the bees - like natural (vertical) bird food tables, as well as adding scale and drama to any garden. 

In terms of less seasonal bird-feeders, we have the wooden nesting boxes and our Dovecote nesting box, as well as our hanging seed feeders. The bees are not forgotten with our Solitary Beehive. 


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