[Inspiration] Inspiration Page – AT22 Clematis

clematis to elevate your borders

Clematis 'Prince Charles'

Clematis 'Crystal Fountain'

Clematis 'Taiga'

Clematis 'Fond Memories'

Clematis 'Nelly Moser'

Clematis 'Giselle'

Clematis montana var. wilsonii

Clematis 'Bill MacKenzie' (tangutica)


Sarah's favourite clematis varieties for July

In this video, Sarah shares her favourite clematis and discusses which varieties are best for picking

Clematis viticella 'Royal Velours'

Clematis 'Purpurea Plena Elegans' (Viticella Group)

how to plant,
grow & care for clematis

Cascading down over arches, scrambling through trees or up a garden wall, climbers add another dimension to gardens. The breadth of choice is thrilling – with a bit of planning, you could have a clematis in flower every month of the year

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