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Runner Bean 'Polestar'

Stringless runner beans, with excellent flavour. You don't need many plants to give you plenty of beans for months.
In stock
Free delivery when you spend over £100
Tried & tested by Sarah
Super productive variety
Easy to grow
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Stringless, tasty and tender. Just one sowing of this will give you plenty of beans for weeks at a stretch, or do two sowings (one early, one late) for picking in summer and autumn. The scarlet flowers are delicious too.

These are perfect planted on a teepee with your favourite scented sweet pea mix – as this will attract beneficial pollinators.

Please note, illustrated packets are being introduced gradually over the coming months, availability may vary.

On occasion we may need to send you an alternative variety to the one shown, which will be selected by our growing team to ensure its suitability. It will be of equal or greater value to the original. Please contact our customer service team if there are any problems.

Product details

Edible Crop
Kitchen Garden
Broad Tolerance
July - October
2.1m (7ft)
Common name
Runner Bean
Moist but Well-drained
Full Sun
30cm (12in)
Sow from April, one seed to its own pot or module (ideally Rootrainers), under cover. Once the plants are at least 5cm (2in) tall, plant them out. You can also sow direct into the garden May-July, not before, as they will be killed by the frost.

Care Tips

Will grow best in a sunny position with fertile, well-dug soil that has had plenty of organic matter added. Support with a cane wigwam, with one plant growing up each cane. Protect seedlings from slugs.

Flowering Time

July - October

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