
Antirrhinum Seeds

Antirrhinums, or snapdragons, are invaluable cut flowers for their sweetly-scented flower spikes, which last well over a week in water. Our range of snapdragon seeds features long-flowering new varieties—all bred for good rust resistance. These want to be sown in autumn and overwintered for huge early flowers in May, or sown in spring for picking in summer and autumn. In the right conditions many of these antirrhinum seeds will self-sow, giving you even more flowers to pick and enjoy.

Antirrhinums, or snapdragons, are invaluable cut flowers for their sweetly-scented flower spikes, which last well over a week in water. Our range of snapdragon seeds features long-flowering new varieties—all bred for good rust resistance. These want to be sown in autumn and overwintered for huge early flowers in May, or sown in spring for picking in summer and autumn. In the right conditions many of these antirrhinum seeds will self-sow, giving you even more flowers to pick and enjoy.

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